This week we’re working on Outerwear and I am so, so thrilled with how this outfit came together. While last week’s 80s look was a lot of fun, this week’s look is much more “me.” I called this one “Sunday’s Child”, like the poem. I just think Olivia looks ready to go to church or a fancy lunch date, or to prance down the sidewalk in the rain, happy and curious, full of joy, as every child should be.
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Thursdays child has far to go,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
I will let you read the details on the outfit over at Project Run and Play, but I wanted to share a little about the photo shoot here. One of the most stressful parts of this process, for me, has been finding the time to photograph the outfit each week in order to get the post put together for the Project Run and Play team. Between nasty bouts of weather and preset schedules (school…gymnastics…the sun setting), it takes careful planning to go do a photo shoot.
My mom kept the little girls with her so that I could concentrate when I picked Olivia up from school to do these pictures. Liv was really excited because I told her I’d take her to the church where Graham and I got married to take the pictures. The church is old and beautiful, with stained glass, and a busy, small town street in the front. We got out of the car and Olivia just wandered the grounds, twirling her umbrella, and looking every which way to take it in. We had a lot of fun and, in addition to photographing the outfit, I got some great pictures of my little girl.
The blue cotton velvet was the inspiration for this outfit. I love how soft it looks and how plush the coat and hat turned out, with their fancy little embroidery and trim details. And what do you think of the ruffle umbrella? I’ve been wanting to glue ruffles onto an umbrella for ages! So glad it finally made sense to do it – Olivia loves it!
And did you see the boots? From thrift store ice skates??!! Aren’t they great?
Olivia got pretty goofy toward the end of our photo shoot. She flashed me some big, sparkly eyes and when I asked her to do it again, she gave me the biggest eyes ever. Silly girl. This picture just makes me laugh.
Comments & Reviews
Heather says
I am in awe of your talent. You truly inspire me. I absolutely LOVE your taste in clothing and can’t wait til my new granddaughter is old enough to start wearing creations like this one. Do you ever sell/share your patterns? I am an intermediate seamstress, however, I was not blessed with the gift to make my own patterns. I have to leave that up to Simplicity, McCalls, Butterick and the MANY talented people like you! I also LOVE your creativity with the boots. I would have never thought of using old ice skates but I am totally going to be searching the thrift stores for them now. Thank you for your inspiration!
KreativeEmmaKate says
Your daughter is, officially, the best dressed child in the world.
Anonymous says
Love your outfits….your very gifted. thanks for sharing
MissMolly says
Very well done outfit! and what a cute model! You should let us in on the secret of making that umbrella! so awesome!
Iris Ann says
You are definitely talented. Keep it up. From and old mom who had little girls along time ago.
Jenny@daysofchalkandchocolate says
You boggle my mind! I can’t believe the beautiful clothes you create. I just love seeing what you’ve done and wishing I could do it too. You’re one of my faves!
Shari @For the Little Doll In Your Life says
Beautiful color. And the boots from upcycled ice skates are fabulous.
Anonymous says
I thought your entry was miles ahead of all the others last week. The coat was beautiful and I loved all the details, I want one for myself! And the hat was simply delicious. You won in my opinion. Good luck this week,
kristin says
I tried to leave a comment earlier but had technical difficulties – this coat is so well-crafted and lovely! Very nicely done.
Falafel and the Bee says
You did an amazing job! I am blown away.
I also really love that you took it one extra step by finding a pair of ice skates and turning them into boots!
I voted for you.
Emily says
WOW! Love the coat, lining, clever reuse of ice skates, and the fun photos. I totally voted for you, even though it was a hard decision. 🙂
cpasseno says
OH MY!! You have blown me away every week with your designs. But this week your coat set is AMAZING!! You are very talented. And your model is a beautiful young lady.
Mary Jo says
Wow! Cute outfit! And this little girl looks just like a mini Jennifer Aniston! So pretty!
cestMoi Sandy says
I am going to vote!