Making a quick headband to coordinate with an outfit adds just a little extra something. I whipped out a few of these knit knot headbands the other day to give a little motivation to my straggly haired girls as the new school year approaches. They are super easy and super quick to sew!
Grab some knit fabric – you’re going to cut two pieces into long oval shapes. With your fabric folded, cut two rectangles 13″ long (along the stretch) and 2 ½″ wide. Use a rounded object to trace a half circle on the open end (opposite the fold) of the rectangle and cut.
Now, you’ll have two long ovals. Place them right sides together, press a little with some steam if the knit starts rolling over on itself. Use a serger or a zigzag stitch to sew all the way around the ovals – you want the knit to maintain its stretch, so don’t use a regular straight stitch. Leave a 1-2″ opening at the center along one side only for turning the headband right side out.
Turn the headband right side out and reshape. Press. Now, you’ll need to close up your opening. You can just zigzag stitch on the outside of the fabric since this spot will be at the nape of the neck and won’t show OR you can slipstitch it closed so it doesn’t show.
Now, wrap that headband around your girl’s head and tie into a double knot! That’s it!
I previously made a similar headband out of quilting cotton to match one of the dresses I made for Grace.
I used almost the same method, but lengthened the starting rectangle measurement to about 17″ each (on the fold, so 34″ long each). Then, I followed the same steps to round the edges, sew the two pieces together and turn right side out. Then, I topstitched around the entire headband, closing the opening in the process. Since the quilting cotton doesn’t have the stretch that the knit does, I added some elasticity to the center of the headband, which is then worn at the back of the neck.
To do this, I marked the center of the headband and then marked about 2.5″ to each side of the center. With elastic thread in my bobbin, I stitched rows back and forth between each marked line, making about a 5″ elasticized chunk at the center of the headband. Press and steam this area from the top of the fabric to give it all that great stretchiness.
Next, I placed the headband around my daughter’s head and pulled it tight, marking where the two sides meet at the center front. I stitched the two sides together there, forming the headband circle, and then tied it into a knot.
The girls were very excited to model the new knit headbands all together.
They thought it was hysterical how I was barking out for them to squish together, and stop standing in front of one another, and lay with their heads all together on a blanket. They thought it was SO hysterical in fact, they couldn’t keep a straight smile for anything! Enjoy!
Comments & Reviews
brenda says
trying this tutorial for some small christmas gifts! They look beautiful. Your daughters are also beautiful in their headbands 🙂
girlinspired says
Thank you so much, Brenda! Have fun!
Angela m says
Love love love your ideas!!! Your stitching is so clean! If you don’t mind, what kind of sewing machine do you use?
Thank you for the inspiration! 🙂
Designer Hair Headbands says
Love knot headbands 🙂
sewcharleston says
I would like to make these as gifts so I wouldn’t be able to measure the babies head. I want to make the fabric one, do you think i need to sew it together before tying the knot? If i skipped this process then it would be more adjustable. what do you think?
Tone says
Thank you for a great tutorial! I made one whit my daughter, and she loved it:)
I made a blog post, mentioning your blog and tutorial. Please stop by and have a look at the headband:D
Veronica says
Stef, super cute idea! I especially like your tute on the woven cotton headband. Now, if I could only convince my daughter to wear one longer than 5 minutes!
marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings says
those are darling I think I’m going to have to whip the nieces up some
mekei says
bravo. they are beautiful
asia says
lovely:* i will make it:) thx.
Patty Virginia says
Now I have a project for using up all my fabric scraps. Super cute and adorable on your models.
Anne Weaver says
Cute headbands!! I’ve got a post over at Craft Gossip that links to your tutorial:
girlinspired says
Thanks so much, Anne! You’re the best!!
Charity says
Cute headbands! I like the idea of shirring in the back for a woven fabric. Your daughters are really beautiful. =)
girlinspired says
Thanks, Charity. You’re so sweet! I like how the shirring gave the headband just enough stretch without having to fuss with elastic on the inside.
Allison says
How cute, I’ll have to try this.
Christie says
Well crap, I have a post scheduled for Monday for the same thing!!! I finally got around to doing a tutorial after Ruby was born (had the pictures taken for a few weeks!). Oh well, great minds think alike, right? Your tutorial looks great and oh my goodness, your girls are just the most beautiful girls ever. Beautiful pictures as well. Love knotted headbands!
girlinspired says
Oh, Christie, sorry! That happens to me all. the. time. Yes, great minds totally think alike! My cousin was just here with her little girl and wanted to make some and I told her you were going to post one in baby size, so we’ll both be checking yours out tomorrow! Plus, I love the Ruby pics!!!
kristin says
Cute headbands but let’s get to the important stuff:) I don’t know if I have ever seen a picture with all three girls together! Gosh–all so beautiful–so blessed. I have a picture of my girls laying head to head in the snow and it is one of my favorites. Enjoy what’s left of the summer! We start back Wednesday–and just returned from vacation last Sunday–it has been so busy! They will look adorable in all the cute duds you have (and will) make them for school. Wishes for a great start!
girlinspired says
Hi Kristin! We start back on Wednesday, too. The summer went SO fast!! Grace is starting Kindergarten and I am already an emotional basket case. Your picture of the girls head to head in the snow sounds amazing – I’ll have to copy that one this winter, though it was completely impossible to get them all head to head at once and looking at the camera. I was thrown off, but once I got the pictures on my computer, I was so happy to see all their giggles captured. Hope the start of your school year is great, too!