I like to bounce around between projects. A lot. I get bored sticking with the same thing for very long. I do finish a lot of projects, but I also have a lot of things that are in progress. There are a lot of reasons I take breaks in the middle of projects: because I’m frustrated, I’m lacking vision, I’m waiting for materials or a tool, I need someone else’s help, or I just simply get distracted with a new project. In the last few weeks, Graham and I have been working hard to finish a furniture project that we started more than two years ago, and we are so, so close to having it completely finished. Hopefully, I can show you that, all moved into its space (in my craft room!!!) in the next few days. It just needs one final coat of paint and finally, it will be done!!
Then I can move on to one of the other twenty-something, half-finished projects sitting around, OR….I can get to work on this antique couch I hauled home from a yard sale this weekend…
Won’t she be fun to fix up? I find it absolutely fascinating that this piece of furniture is in the neighborhood of 90 years old and in such beautiful condition. I didn’t even have to stick this one in the garage, I just moved her right in. Though the colors don’t fit quite right with my vision. I have other plans for her. Paint…upholstery…Scotchguard. Here are some inspirational pictures I’ve pinned recently.
What projects are you working on? Do you stick with one project from start to finish or bounce around? What halts your progress? What inspires you to finish? Please share!
Also, are you on Pinterest? I’m a newbie and, of course, in love with the concept. Tell me how to find you and I’ll come follow your pins. You can find my very new pinboards, here.
Comments & Reviews
Lanie says
I just joined Pinterest. Come find me! I think I know which project your moving into your craft room! I’ve been wondering about it.
You AMAZE me. I don’t START craft projects for all the reasons that you listed in the first paragraph. I’m scared.
birdie blue says
love the new piece. i have a similar one that’s under a white slipcover. it’s waiting for it’s time to shine (once i find the ‘right’ fabric”).
Rachel says
I love the sofa, too bad something like that wouldn’t work in my house.
I tend to bounce around on projects. As soon as it starts taking too long I go to something else. Right now I’m finishing old projects because I told myself I can’t buy any new fabric until all my old projects are done. It’s working!
Love Pinterest, I’m following you now. My id is rachfranklin.
Kristie-Creating Chaos says
I love that sofa. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I bounce around from project to project also. Mostly my sewing projects. I hate ripping seams so I’ll start something new instead.
Nichole says
I am following you on Pinterest, too. I’ll be anxious to see what you come up with as far as your couch goes!
Lynne says
I just started following you on Pinterest. I’m pretty new there too but love it! I had to laugh when I read your post because I work the same way. I always have way too many projects on the go! I love your antique couch! Fabulous!
Majid Ali says
Please for Christ sake help this poor boy from Haiti.