So, the mermaid birthday party thing….it all started when I saw the most adorable mermaid plates and tablecloth in Pottery Barn Kids. “Hey, Livi, do you want to have a mermaid party this year?” Of course she did! Addie was just a couple months old and I knew I didn’t have the time to go all crazy making stuff for the birthday party so I ran back to PBK and grabbed the plates, the tablecloth, and the cutest hanging puffer fish thingee. Easy, I thought. She’ll be four, we’ll just have a few kids, I’ll keep it simple. Surely, though, I could make the invitations, we only need a handful….
More Mermaids
Next, we needed activities. I did a quick search on the internet for “mermaid party game ideas,” and there were SO many ideas. We ended up doing a treasure hunt (mainly because I found this awesome chest at Joann’s and I wanted an excuse to buy it), sand necklaces, and a fishing game.
Oh yes, I suppose we should feed the kids….after all, I did buy mermaid plates. Wouldn’t it be fun to do fishy food? Goldfish crackers, blue jello with swedish fish on top (don’t put them in it, they’ll melt and look totally disgusting and you’ll have to freak out a little and send your husband to the grocery store in the middle of the night for more blue jello), pb&j sandwiches cut out with your starfish cookie cutters (don’t you love dual purpose purchases), octopus dogs (this was so cool – cut the bottom two thirds of hot dogs into eight “legs”, boil them and they curl and look like octopuses (octopi?)
Dare to ask your daughter if she thinks it would be fun to wear mermaid tails for the birthday party. I don’t know what I was thinking when this came out of my mouth. It really didn’t take too long to sew mermaid tails – I made eight or so, just quick, not-so-perfect tails, but still… All the girls wore them for about five minutes of the party (which I totally could have predicted, but I didn’t consider this before I let the idea fall on Livi’s ears). However, I think that the two or so pictures that I took before the tails came off made it all worthwhile. I mean, how do you look at Addie’s baby mermaid tail and not smile?
Now, I have to admit that the dessert part is where things got a little out of hand. But, we really like dessert around here. And the “cake” is the part that I always do. For some reason, I can’t let the cake go even though the kids really just want cupcakes. So, you saw the mermaid cupcakes in my how-to over at Life as Lori. I love how they turned out.
And then the actual cake…a sandcastle, a mermaid on a rock, and about 15 hours work worth of making fish from candy molds.
Dear Olivia… Thank you for letting me get carried away. I really can’t help myself. You’re cute.
Comments & Reviews
Sk says
Great blog and post! I am doing a nautical theme for my daughter’s first birthday soon and this has been inspiring. I was wondering what you used to affix the paper cut outs onto the net, did tape work? Thanks for sharing!
Serena says
Can you please tell me where you found the pattern or how you made the baby mermaid tail? My soon-to-be 5 year old wants have a mermaid party. Her little sister will only be 5 months old at the time and I would love to make her a mermaid tail to wear! Thanks for sharing your creativeness…the party was super cute!!
Stef says
Hi Serena!Thanks for your question! I did use a pattern/tutorial for the mermaid tail, but you can totally make up a pattern on your own. Just lay out a big piece of paper – freezer paper works great for patterns and draw half a tail. Swoop out a little for hips, then in for the main part of the tail, then out again for the flipper. Cut it out, put it on your fabric on the fold, and cut your fabric – does that make sense? Cut two pieces of fabric (add interfacing to your fabric if its flimsy) and sew them right sides together – leave an opening at the top. Notch your fabric really well at the point in the tail or the fabric won’t lay flat when you turn it (making sense?) Then cut a ribbon long enough that it will go around your baby’s waist and tie into a bow. Pin the mermaid tail onto the ribbon in the middle and sew along both edges of the ribbon, so it’s like a belt. Good luck!
julia says
really cute love the mermaid tail
Nf1andprek-whisper says
I love it all and I am showcasing parties and such on my blog for my birthday this month and I am adding you to my list, that child in the mermaid tail is priceless and was the mermaid on top of the cupcakes made with a stampin up stamp?? was the mermaid with the ribbions a coursage?? and was it made hard with versa mark ?? please tell me at
and if you are up for a giveaway than you can come to where I am giving things away for my 200th post.
Stephanie Lynn says
What a fabulous party! The details are incredible! {the little mermaid is so precious} I love the cupcakes – amazing job. Love the cake – It was well worth all the hours…stunning! Thanks so much for linking up to the Sunday Showcase. I greatly appreciate it! Hope you enjoy your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn
malia says
great ideas and the little one in the mermaid tail is adorable.
Leigh says
I’m your newest follower; found you at The Girl Creative. I LOVE LOVE LOVE themed parties! My husband insists that I get too carried away, but I don’t think that is possible. The mermaid theme is adorable. Super cute!
Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue says
I had to scroll really slow to take in every awesome detail. Love all of it, so fun! If I had to pick a favorite it would be the fish swimming around from the balloons.
Julie says
Very cute party! Love those cupcakes, especially! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Lori says
Stef, what a great party! You amaze me…Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another great party!
too Blessed to Stress says
My word! what a fun day you all must have had… and really, what are parties for if you can’t let the birthday girl {and momma} get a little carried away!~ Emily N. from “too Blessed to Stress”
PACountry says
This is so cute! We had a Little Mermaid bridal shower for my sister last summer (I know, I know…) and it was so much fun! You did a great job, too!
Shayna Mills says
Great party, I bet she loved every minute of it!